
Label Fantastic teams up with Andy Swan to release “Eternity Blues” by ‘the Michael Parks’!!!!

eternity blues dog universe reduced

So excited about this one folks!  Over here at Label Fantastic! we’ve been fans of Andy Swans for YEARS!  He’s just the most crazy prolific song writer.  Everything he creates is gold!  And he creates soooo much!  So you can imagine our excitement when he finally said he’d join forces with us for this release.  We are very very happy to have him.  He’s got three release shows this weekend which we’ve listed below, and you can download a digital copy of his newest release for FREE at this site:  BUT special for these shows there will be limited edition one-of-a kind cd copies that Jenny made for Andy.  Each cover is different – you can have your choice of different moments with the universe.  Welcome to label fantastic! Andy Swan!  Everyone go check out his amazingness!










Ottawa is Friday June 28th at “Pressed” with Piet Masone
Toronto is Saturday June 29th at the Tranzac with the TWO MINUTE MIRACLES!!! (EEP!) -

Guelph is Sunday June 30th at Van Gogh’s with the Two Minute Miracles!!!