Label Fantastic! is now booking shows and tours!

It’s true!  Jenny Mitchell of Label Fantastic! has been assisting in the booking of her tours for years, and has now taken the reigns to do it officially and efficiently.  Her first official booked-entirely-by-her tour this past November for Bird City and Shopkeeper was a huge success – fifteen shows in fifteen days, from highly respected bars, to alternative art spaces, to the basements of teenagers in the suburbs.  They had somewhere to stay every night, they made all of their money back and then some (including close to $1200 in flight costs) with tons of homemade meals along the way.  For two bands that have NEVER toured before it was an incredible feat.  The next hurdle is music festivals!  We are soooooo excited to represent so much amazing talent, it will be fun to see how many festivals think they’re as great as we do.  We’ll see!!!

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